To Turn Goals into Results – Change the Conversation

December 20th, 2010 | Posted in Performance Management | Comments Off on To Turn Goals into Results – Change the Conversation

As we near the start of a new year, leaders at all levels are in the process of setting annual performance goals. To turn these goals into results it’s important to change the conversation from a focus on what to a focus on what, why, and how.

What. Goal setting conversations often begin – appropriately – with a focus on what. What, specifically, is the goal that we want to achieve? It’s important to set a SMART goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. After all, the more clearly that people can see a target, the more likely they are to achieve it.

Unfortunately, goal setting conversations often fall short because they fail to consider two other key questions: why and how.

Why. In most organizations, goals are the outcome of extensive discussions about future direction and business strategy. Yet too often, leaders fail to “connect the dots” and help their people understand why the goals are so important and how they contribute to broader strategic aims. If you want your team to buy in to the importance of achieving this year’s goals, it’s important to communicate clearly the “why behind the what.”

How. From a coaching and development perspective, the most important question to ask and answer is how. This year’s goals are undoubtedly higher – and harder to achieve – than last year’s. So, how are we going to succeed? How can we build on best practices and execute more consistently and more effectively? How can we develop and implement new practices to respond to competitive challenges and capitalize on new opportunities?

By focusing on what, why, and how, you can get next year off to a strong start and set a course for turning your goals into results.

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